I want you to imagine a person that you want to be.
Include characteristics that you consider as impossibilities.
Answer these questions below:
Who do you want to be? In what conditions are you most proud of yourself?
How do you want to act in certain situations?
What perception do you want people to have about you?
How do you want to handle obstacles?
What kind of friend do you want to be?
What is it that makes you like a person?
What role models do you have?
Summarize. What if I told you to be that person? What if I remind you of the fact that life is too short to be somebody you're not proud of and comfortable with? What if I tell you, that if you put your mind to it, it is possible. No matter what you think people will think about you.
What if I tell you, that if you even could imagine that optimal version of yourself, it is as simple as that. Be whoever you want to be. Be that person.