Street lights

Love listening to old playlists.
This song is from a playlist from last December. It is not a song I define remarkably amazing, but there is something about it that makes me recall feelings and contemporary coming stories.
So much but so little things have happened since. Unpredictable at that time. Maybe it is always like that, for everyone? Predicting seems impossible when locking back, but still, you often have a perception of what's coming... So when the script take its own turns... It surprises you, yet we would not want to be without them...    Sometimes you wish you could go back, just to hand yourself some hints. But I suppose... You can't live that way. So why... Indulge in the past when the only thing we can do something about is what's ahead... Instead take wisdom from previous happenings and from time to time, visit memory lane. Just don't stay there...
    Just...Let the street lights guide you. Maybe from time to time you ask yourself "What the hell am I doing here", but within near future realize you were in the exact right place. How's that as a line to pretend you saying to yourself in a year? You may not have gone where you intended to go, but maybe you ended up where you needed to be.


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