
Being a teenager in today's world is not easy.
Good grades, friends, being invited to the coolest parties, Facebook, earn money, have the prettiest clothes, best reputation, deciding what to do with your future meanwhile to stand out, being good at something extraordinary, being a good friend, daughter, sister and maybe girlfriend.
At the same time, letting go of the fear of being alone can be quite hard but is something that should be prioritized. It is something I'm working on; enjoy being with myself. Sometimes, I have so much on my mind that it's hard to sit down and just read a book or having a cup of tea without talking with someone/reading something important/texting. Sometimes, I even feel I can't sleep because then I think that I'll forget all the things that have to be done. Are these only parts of being a teenager? Are we scared of having nothing to do or simply afraid to  fail?
Someone once told me, that you often miss the forest because of all the trees standing in the way. I'm starting to understand where that saying comes from. Sure, I always advocate to put up goals and to follow dreams, but to see all the big, wonderful things we have around us right now (represented by the forest) is what I think people of my age easily forget or push aside. Sometimes, nothing can seem so important but having that expensive bag, attending that cool party or having the cutest boyfriend (=trees).
Trees that in our way, block the view = the amazing life we actually live. Trees that keep us from zooming out and seeing the beautiful forest. A healthy, young forest loaded with abilities, personality. Filled with life, memories and expectations. A free forest, able to do anything in this world. 
A forest representing life.
I know how hard it is. Everyone has got their problems, their trees. Especially in our age. "If only" is a phrase that we teenagers use daily in our minds. But if I tell you to turn it into a different sentence: If only you zoom out, climb the mountain, and look. Will it be better? How big are the trees, really?
Without the trees, there will be no forest. But without the forest, there would be no trees. It's just that you are the only one who can decide how big the trees are and how much they are hiding. How much they keep aside from you. And no, all the trees won't disappear if you cut down a couple of them that "seem so important". There will always be new ones. You just have to find your way through it all, your path, your lifestyle. Your way of taking care of them. It's not hard. It's not boring. It's life! Life built up with a lot of trees.
With this I'm telling you, don't forget to zoom out once in a while. Remind yourself of the beautiful forest that is all yours, the beautiful life you're living. No tree can or will (without your permission) ever, ever, block that view. 
Nothing is that important. Don't let anything to be, no matter how big the tree even seems to be. You know why?
Because behind that tree, you have an entire forest.


Postat av: Josefin

Kan ärligt säga att jag nästintill aldrig läser bloggar, om jag nu mot förmodan skulle snubbla in på en kollar jag bara bilderna. Men du är verkligen bra på att skriva. Fastnade direkt! Du inspirerar folk, fortsätt med det! Du håller på att vakna, fortsätt öppna dina ögon. Eller, "zooma ut", ännu, ännu mer. Lev i kärlek. Inte i rädsla, aldrig i rädsla.

2012-09-06 @ 08:03:34

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