Run as fast as you can

Today is one of those days.
One of those days, that I need to recover, think, dream, plan and reload.
I don't know if it's because I switch home between my parents every week, but it sure takes lots of time and these days shouldn't be rushed. 
To be inspired to keep on going your dreams must be prioritized and not pushed aside, as they so easily get when more "important" things show up along the way. Then things just start spinning and suddenly you get absolutely nothing done. And your dreams aren't really present longer either. 
So what I recommend you to do is to buy a proper calendar, point up your short term goals (what have to be done within the next week/month?) and your long term goals (things you want to be done within the next 6 months or even things as "far" as reaching your dream job, if you know what that is will say). Examples could be:
Short term goals
• Take driving lessons at least once this week
• Clean my room
• Look for a new extra job
(• Run, but I try to never have that as a task because then I loose my motivation)
Long term goals
• Pass the driver's license test before the end of the year
• Get an A in mathematics
• Find a university I'm interested in attending and apply there
• Buy my very first stocks
Along the way, don't forget that dreams and goals walk hand in hand and should not be forced, but something you WANT to do. Remember, you're free and can do exactly whatever you want. No one is forcing you to get good grades, better condition or have a huge contact net. And booom, when you realize that, everything suddenly feels easier and you break free from this "perfect" pattern that seems right, and often success to accomplish these things, at least I work better with no pressure on me.
Life is a beautiful thing and it's to short to be forced, structured or limited.


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