Yesterday I got this idea, well actually I kind of stole the name from Blondinbella, but practically I made my own version from what I consider is a visionboard. :)
So, here's what I did:
I attached four A4-pages to each other with tape, brought up a few magazines (Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Solo and so on), a scissor and some tape. Now it was time to start cutting!
So, my idea was to connect a picture to a certain goal for the coming year. For example, a picture of the American flag symbolizes my dream of going to the US next summer, and doing this I'm able to keep my goal in sight.
I also pasted some keywords behind some of the pictures. Behind one of the strawberries I wrote "be sweet", behind the eggshells I wrote "start each day with a good morning", behind the watch I wrote "remember to be on time, go to bed earlier" and so on.
My tip to you: make your own visionboard of your dreams and goals! It's not just an inspirational plan, it could also be a personal, good looking peace of art. ;)
Now I'll be heading to the gym! (Hurray!)